Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I now interrupt our regularly scheduled terrorist attack...

OK.  So enough about the frigging white powder.  Nothing this Mama can do about that right now.  Let me tell you about Rosie.  That's why we came here, right?  Way back when....before we got stuck, right?

1.  Those dimples...yes, they are REAL.  OMG they are just adorable.  She has to be REALLY happy to see them, but they are there.
2.  She's terrified of statues.  Hence no pic of her with the statues on Shamian.
3.  She is a WISEGUY.  OH, my stars.  She'll pretend to feed me something, then snatch it away, laughing.  She LOVES bopping us on the head with the balloons (that are slowly deflating, but that's just because we've been here way to friggin' long...)
4.  She is TERRIFIED of brushes.  My large round hairbrush sent her screaming.  Makeup is OK--WITH FINGERTIPS ONLY.  Bring out the blush brush and she cries.
5.  The girl eats.  Bless her poor heart, she has such a hard time chewing and swallowing.  It's clear that ALL of her food was pureed.  She only knows how to swallow stuff whole.  But she TRIES and she seems to like just about everything we let her try.  Smash a scrambled egg into some congee and she's in heaven.  Me, too.  That's become one of my favorite breakfast dishes!
6.  Just like her jie jie, she LOVES being out one the bustling pedestrian street.  She sits perched in her stroller just taking it all in.
7.  She sings!  OK, so we don't know what she's singing, but it's super adorable anyways!  Does it really matter what she's singing?
8.  She loves the pool!  We got her in today, splashing, playing, and just having fun.
9.  She's tiny.  No one seems to believe me, but the girl is 9 kg and every piece of clothing you see her in the pics is pinned in about 7 places or else it would be falling off.  She fell out of bed twice (she refuses the crib) and it's like a feather hitting the ground.
10.  We love her.  More than anything in the world, except for Emmie.  She's kinda grumpy on us, but we love her to the moon and back a thousand times.  Even when we get the "Rosie Headshake."

Yay!  Post-CA.  Before the sh*t hit the fan.

My girls.  Melts my heart.

Checking out the menu at pretty much our only non-Chinese meal
at Pizza Hut.  Won't make that mistake again...


Unknown said...

So precious!!

pursuing miracles said...

Thoughts and prayers are going out to you from our home- I cannot imagine being in your place. Your precious treasures warm my heart though- those smiles are priceless! Be thankful Rosie escaped the head shave...Eden had her head shaved a day or two before you met Rosie and that makes her look so sad. I know it's necessary, but... Anyway, just wanted to post that along with countless others we are hoping and praying you are cleared to come home soon!

likeschocolate said...

Hang in there! I am praying you get to go home soon.