1. Why are you adopting E?
Well, why does anyone have a baby from their belly? To start a family. I have always wanted to adopt a child, and since P met me, he has, too. We think it is the perfect way for us to have a family. Adoption is our first choice. ‘Nuff said.
2. Why are you adopting from China ?
Well, I did mention that we like to travel. But, seriously, we are adopting from China because we wanted to adopt a child of a certain age with a certain Special Need, thalassemia. This condition is very prevalent in China .
3. Why did you want to adopt a child with thalassemia? What the heck is that?
We wanted to adopt a child with thalassemia because I have thalassemia, which is a genetic blood disorder. The most severe form of the disorder is thalassemia major, and it requires lifelong monthly blood transfusions to survive. This is what E has. I have thalassemia intermedia, which is a lesser form of the disorder that may require transfusions intermittently, and has it’s own host of issues, none of which affect my ability to be a great mom.