Today I'd like to wish a very Happy
First Father's Day to Baba, and a Happy Father's Day to Grampy.
It's funny how my two favorite men can be so different in many ways, but also very much alike.
One is often the chattiest person in the room. The other is usually the quietest. One loves to dance, the other you'd have to drag out on the floor. One is the handiest do-it-yourselfer and fixit guy around. The other, well, not so much. One likes to play a little Blackjack at the casino, the other likes to drink cocktails at the casino. One eats anything you put in front of him, the other is a tad picky, shall we say.
But in so many important ways, they are the same. They both would do anything for you. Neither looks for recognition on praise. They are both trustworthy and loyal. They are smart. Neither puts himself first, always the people they love. They are funny, strong, and reliable. They both love their families with everything they have.
So, here's to "both" of my favorite guys on this Father's Day. And a special shout out to Grampy with the Red Hair (who did not have red hair, but Nana did) who once wrote in my autograph book, "To my little friend who always tries to steal my beer" (a harbinger of what was yet to come?) and let me dance on his feet. And Grampy with the Piano (not sure the piano was his, either) who was the best beach buddy ever and let us knock pinecones out of the trees to burn in his barbeque pit down the Cape.
E's Father's Day gift for her #1 guy. |
E and Grampy just hanging out and having a chat. |