The coolest thing happened this morning. I was up before the girls, putting my "face" on (as my Nana used to say) while Baba did yard work when I heard a peep from the other end of the hallway. It was a little like a small cry or a whine, and then I heard, "Mama." Again, "Maaaaama." A little wimper, and "Mama?" I dropped my Bare Minerals and scampered down the hallway and just as I was about to break right out of habit, I realized I had to break left. Rosie was calling me for the first time! Up until today, she would just lay there silently until I happened to check in on her. But this morning, she called for me! And, when I went into her room and saw her pretty ruffled face, I realized that she was actually happy to see me! She smiled and laughed and put her arms up in the air and said, "UP!" and jumped into my arms.
I know this must seem tiny and inconsequential, but to me it's a good sign that R feels comfortable enough now to call for me. Before, I would check on her a zillion times because I just hated the thought of her lying there, not feeling like she could call me, and wondering when someone would come and get her. I told her how happy I was that she called, "Mama!" so hopefully she'll feel like she can call on me. Not just in the morning, but any time.
Reading the Sunday paper. |
Your definition of "tiny and inconsequential" is a bit different from mine. That little call of, "Mama," that smile, the request for "up" -- fer cryin' out loud, the only tiny thing here is your younger daughter, and the only inconsequential thing is... well, there's nothing inconsequential about that little girl thinking YOU are Mama! Congratulations on getting past such a major hurdle!
That is so heart warming to hear! I'm so thrilled for you both!
Yeah! That is so fantastic!
Yea!! Know the feeling and so happy it happened so soon! Hugs!
That's awesome Tracy!!! Very big step for her. :) Yea for progress!!
What an amazingly, beautiful big step!!!
"You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running to see you again..." Yay Rosie. Yay, mama. Baby steps. A happy day.
That is so wonderful! Hooray!
I have tears in my eyes! I'm so, so happy for you! (I'm just a lurker, but can tell you must be a great Mom.) I'm currently awaiting Article 5 and TA and hope to be a first time Mom myself this summer. It's a boy and he's in China, where we hope to meet him soon!
I have tears in my eyes! I'm so, so happy for you! (I'm just a lurker, but can tell you must be a great Mom.) I'm currently awaiting Article 5 and TA and hope to be a first time Mom myself this summer. It's a boy and he's in China, where we hope to meet him soon!
So happy for you and R. calling for you is far from tiny and inconsequential!
Just realized - Roses bloom in June! How perfect a name you could have chosen for our sweet niece!
Pure to your ears for sure!
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