I got an early Mother's Day present. Well, it went on until past midnight, so I guess I got it on Mother's Day, too. My girls, smiling, laughing, squealing, bouncing on the bed, calling out "MAMA!", playing together, one speaking in English, the other in Cantonese but communicating nonetheless. Done. Happy. I can call it a day now. Keep your presents and don't take me to brunch. I got what I wanted.
Overall, Saturday was a great day. R had her moments, but they seemed less frequent and severe.
It was absolutely sweltering out, but we headed to Shamian island to shop for squeaky shoes and to visit the playground. The girls were very well behaved while we shopped, and I only feared they were going to break things about 35 times. The girls had fun at the playground. At one point, a boy came over to apparently show R his karate moves. He got really close, and then actually grabbed her in a bear hug! I started screaming "NO" to him and the adults with him, R got scared and grabbed for me. It was a terrible moment, but I guess good in that R knew to reach for me.
P and the girls had a late lunch of McD's back in the room. R is really into playing with me and feeding me. I wasn't hungry or in the mood for McD's, but you better believe I ate every single french fry she put in my mouth with a smile! We tried for a nap, and unfortunately R cried herself to sleep again.
Tonight was when the real fun began. We headed out to meet our guide from E's adoption, Helen, for dinner at Tau Tau Ju. Helen is the kindest, sweetest, most sincere woman. She saw us through some very hard times last year, and I could just tell that she was genuinely so happy to see us and especially E now. She kept saying, "It's so nice to see you as a happy family." She noted that E is so friendly and social, and she said that she had no idea what kind of personality she was going to have because, well, E didn't really show one when we were in China last time. I don't think Helen-or any of us-stopped smiling the entire night. The food was delicious, the company was perfect.
After dinner we strolled around with Helen, she put on her "guide hat" and answered a few questions for us, she helped me order a delicious milk tea, P got his McFlurry (the lady there recognizes him now and knows his order!), and we came back to the hotel room to chat for awhile. This is when things get interesting. R went into the other room, crying, and literally hiding in the corner from all of us. Not only did she shake off us, but she also shook off Helen. When Helen tried to talk to her, she shook her head and cried. Helen thought that maybe R saw her as a threat. And, as it turns out, it seems that's exactly what it was. As soon as Helen left, R came out of hiding and starting playing and smiling and laughing...in fact she seemed the happiest she's been this entire trip.
The girls had a fun bath, got their first dual pedicures, brushed their teeth, and we tucked them in. P and I came into the other room and within a few minutes we heard this thud. Then another, then another all accompanied by lots of laughing and squealing. We peeked in and that's when I saw them bouncing on the bed, laughing themselves silly. Happy, unbridled sisterly fun. So much fun that it went on for hours, so we'll have to work on that. Still, I'm not complaining, I'm rejoicing.
Spice market. Look at that grumpy face R puts on when we pull
out the camera. |
Starbucks on Shamian. All in decked out in our Sox gear! |
Laughing with my girls. |
She LOVES the McD's french fries. As with E, she better get over that
fast as it's just part of our ploy to get her to like us. |
Beauty. |
With our dear friend Helen. What a wonderful woman. |
First pedicure! |
Admiring her piggies. |
E's turn. |
Oh what fun:) Helen was our guide w Ella in 2009, she is wonderful. Glad things are going better & she is adapting to big sis, those pics are super sweet. Did u ever find out if that photo was of R that i sent u? Take care & so happy for u & your beatiful family...
Wonderful! Love the smiles you're seeing now!
Yea! So awesome to see this! So glad you got Helen again! Pls tell John we say hello if you see him. Looking forward to reading more about the last few weeks!! :-)
Tears in my eyes - tears of more joy than words could explain. Happy happy ecstatic Mother's Day to great Mom who loves beyond hope.
Oh Helen! She is just the sweetest thing! Exciting to see Rosie coming around!
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