Today is 2 years since the day Emmie so bravely walked into our lives-what a happy day for us indeed! I sort of want to stop doing these posts celebrating milestones for the girls because it makes me realize I have so much to say, that I can't possibly say it all in one silly blog post. Most of all, I want to say thank you to Emmie for letting us love her and for being such an amazing daughter and now big sister. Emmie is beautiful on the inside and out, and has taught us how to love in a way that we didn't even know was possible. Being a mother--particularly being a mother to this resilient, emotional, smart, funny little girl--has changed my life in a million different ways. A million different
better ways. And I can only hope that being our daughter has changed Emmie's life in many ways that are better, too. Emmie lost something to gain something. But for us, we gained
Two years ago today... |
...and now! |
Here's one of our first family pictures...
..and two years later:
Here's Emmie's first "meal" with us. She wouldn't leave her little perch by the windowsill where she could watch the lights outside...and cower away from us.
And here she is two years later, enjoying a LOT of food and smiles at the Chinese buffet (Emmie's choice!) to celebrate her day.